Since 1967, we have been reaching out to teenagers across America and around the world. Our team is made up of full-time and part-time staff members, interns and volunteers who join hands with parents, educators, churches and community leaders. We help students and equip them to make a positive and eternal difference.


Our Mission

We see a day when every teenage student will have the opportunity to know and follow Christ!

Our mission is to build spiritual movements so that every middle school and high school student has the opportunity to know and follow Christ.

Before our son started his junior year he was involved in a struggle, a battle of his faith. A phone call to the area Cru leader was a call that changed the course of our son’s life. The staff leader prayed with me, gave me advice, and suggested some reading material. He did not stop there. His concern followed up with a phone call to our son. They got together on numerous occasions to wade through the questions plaguing our son. The leader’s personal walk with Christ and knowledge of the Bible as well as his love for young people, made the difference in our son’s life. At the end of his search, our son found his way back to God. In our minds, these men and women are missionaries to the young people in the U.S. and truly, a Godsend to our family.
— Randy and Cindy, Parents of a High School Student